
White radish is a common vegetable, which can be found everywhere in winter in the north. It is suitable for frying, stewing and other cooking methods. It is very popular with our friends. Talking about the value of it, we all know, it is exhausted to do the surgery many people, after the operation to use white radish water gas. Pregnant women as a special kind of crowd, in the diet need to pay special attention to, a little wrong, will hurt the baby and pregnant women in the belly itself. So, white radish pregnant women can eat it? Let's get to know.
White radish eaten raw can promote digestion, in addition to help digestion, there is a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and its spicy ingredients can promote gastric secretion, regulating gastrointestinal function. In addition, white radish juice is also a cough. However, pregnant women should eat the right amount, because the white radish cool, threatened abortion, uterine prolapse, physical deficiency should not eat more.
The nutritional value of white radish
White radish is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and other vitamins, especially vitamin C content is more than 4 times the rhizome. Vitamin C can prevent the aging of the skin, prevent the formation of black spots, and keep the skin white and tender. In addition, vitamin A and vitamin C have antioxidant effect, can effectively inhibit cancer, but also can prevent aging and atherosclerosis.
In addition to vitamins, the dietary fiber content in white radish is very impressive, especially in the leaves of plant fiber is rich.  These plant fibers can promote gastrointestinal motility, eliminate constipation, play a role in detoxification, so as to improve skin roughness, acne and so on.
The effect and function of white radish
White radish with heat fluid, cooling blood to stop bleeding, under wide, Xiaoshi of stagnation and appetite, shunqihuatan effect, mainly used for indigestion, abdominal distension abdominal pain, cough, sputum embolism.
Enhance the immune function of the body: radish contains rich vitamin C and trace elements zinc, help to enhance the body's immune function, improve disease resistance.
Help digestion: mustard oil in radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, increase appetite, help digestion.
To help the absorption of nutrients: the saccharifying enzyme in radish can break down the starch and other substances in the food so that it can be fully absorbed.
Cancer prevention and anti-cancer: radish contains lignin, can improve the vitality of macrophages, phagocytosis of cancer cells. In addition, a variety of enzymes of radish contain, can decompose carcinogenic amines, has anti-cancer effect.
White radish pregnant women can eat, from the text you can see that pregnant women can eat, but must be appropriate, too much will cause miscarriage, prolapse of the uterus and so on. Pregnant women in the diet, should choose easy digestion, mild food, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, so that both can guarantee the safety of their own and the baby, but also to provide more adequate nutrition for the baby. In addition to the white radish, in early pregnancy should also try to eat less crabs, hawthorn, longan, and ejiao.


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