White radish is a common vegetable, which can be found everywhere in winter in the north. It is suitable for frying, stewing and other cooking methods. It is very popular with our friends. Talking about the value of it, we all know, it is exhausted to do the surgery many people, after the operation to use white radish water gas. Pregnant women as a special kind of crowd, in the diet need to pay special attention to, a little wrong, will hurt the baby and pregnant women in the belly itself. So, white radish pregnant women can eat it? Let's get to know.
White radish eaten raw can promote digestion, in addition to help digestion, there is a strong anti-inflammatory effect, and its spicy ingredients can promote gastric secretion, regulating gastrointestinal function. In addition, white radish juice is also a cough. However, pregnant women should eat the right amount, because the white radish cool, threatened abortion, uterine prolapse, physical deficiency should not eat more.


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